
(04.2000 - 10.2001)


The juke box of my favourite pub "The Cave"
What is Sonja brewing now ?
That's normal  - just ignore it !!!
It's easy to find nice friends in the US
Popey !!!
A memory of a "special time" in my life


(monthly overview or single pages)


April'00 April'00 May'00 June'00 July'00 August'00 September '00
- Goodbye - Arrival
- new home
- first impressions - colleagues
- spare time
- Cape Cod
- Boston
- Sturbridge
- New York
- Amish people
- Outer Banks
- Washington D.C.
- Tennessee
- Alabama
- Georgia
- Martina

October '00 November '00 December '00 Januar y'01 Februar y'01 March '01 April '01
- Viola
- Skidiving
- Halloween
- 30'er Party - Florida - Burlington
- Das Propellerspiel
- Elise Party
- Beech Mountain
- Charleston
- Isabel and Petra

May '01 Home
- Bike New York
- Primate Center
- Horseback riding
- Bavaria festival