On Tuesday, Lee prepared a super pasta salad.
He invited Carolin, Javier and Tim.

But for Lee's new favourite game "Mäxchen"
just Tim remained

While Lee and Tim are cheering 
                      is Sonja cheating
Ha, guess, who was the looooooser ....

Lee took a day off on Thursday.
So we went to the "Museum of Life and Science"

Here I ran into some old big friends. which 
I met  1 ½ years ago for the first time.

( here a picture 
of the piglet in Sep 01)

There are so many thing to see, try and discover ...
that you get easily inspired for  pictures

Flowerhead Sonja I can't hear you ....
have a bone cannibal Sonja
Lee, catched in a bubble


Thursday in the evening, we met some friends of Lee in the "Bahama Breeze"

Kevin, our waiter ....

After this terrific dinner, we went over to Tim's place
and later on to Flex

On my run around the Woodlake Friday morning,
I watched the new chicks



you can count 14(!) goos chicks !   but just 8 duck chicks

In the evening, we went for dinner with Shane and his wife Misty at "Spotted Dog"
But Lee sent his apologies. He still had a hang over from last night ;-)

On Saturday, Lee felt better and looked "better than a frog"

and we met Elise and her boyfriend Dan
(at "Spotted Dog" again)


After the visit at Elise farm on Sunday, I said "Hello" to an old friend of mine :


Hi Buck, you old cuddler