The Fourth Day

Wake up, Dirk !!

It's so warm and cosy in the sleepingbag

Voera says 'Good morning !' to her team

 Hello Balto
 Give your paw, Harald !

Some extra straw for Briggi and Bätta

When I harnessed my team that morning, Papayaga and Bore started fighting with Dinka !


Dinka feels, that something will happen this day !

During the daytrip, we were meeting other groups
Always exciting for the dogs (and mushers)

Suddently, Papayaga and Bore turned around and started fighting with Dnka again !

During the lunch break, we discovered,
that Dinka's frontpaw was more injured
than we first thought.

Dinka with teammate Prando

The lunch break was on a beautiful small river


We got an exquisite salmon-cream burger

Dirk: How shall I eat the burger 
without  making a mess ???

Our last hut was with electricity and running water - how luxury !!

The small sauna in the front is cute, but not very isolated. That 's why, they had built a new and bigger one (not visible in this picture) A  lot of space in the sleepingrooms !! Last dinner : Wok vegetables and later, after Sonja had have enough food, with extra meet.

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